Tuesday, April 13, 2010

U.S.Census 2010 and California

I just filled out the U.S. Census form -- took me an entire 30 secs (about 15 secs of that involved whether I should give them my phone number).

Though I believe this will be the first decade in American History that California will not gain any new seats in the House of Representatives regardless of the way they calculate it, I think there's a number of programs, including Pell Grants, that dole out funds according to the way the U.S. Census apportions the population of each state. So, it's probably in your best interset to fill it out...

Of course, with California not gaining any seats new seats for the first time in history this naturally begs the question, "How much of a paycut (not just in terms of money) or how much harder would it have to be open and operate a busineses in California (as opposed to Texas per se) for you to move out?" More specifically, a question that's been on my mind recently is, "How much of a paycut would you take to live in Los Angeles as compared to the Bay Area?"  Though I'm not looking for full-time work at the moment, it's been a topic that's been on my mind a lot recently...

Anyways, that'll be a topic of a future post...  And, on a secondary note, I can't remember a class, where roll is taken at an 8 am morning class, well, since high school... (not that I wouldn't show up... it's just the principle behind it)... :) Anyways, I thought California law forbade university courses outside of language courses for basing grades off of attendance...

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