We were very happy with the way that the presentations went though we would like to ask that data be sourced from now on on the bottom of the PowerPoint file. By the way, the PowerPoint file made by Group 1 is probably the best looking file I've seen in the five semesters that I've been involved with this decal. And, for the first time, the class can be followed as if you were actually here, I have put up podcasts of the presentation on the left hand side of this site (Yes, I can see the theme of the mp3 player does not fit in with the rest of the site. It's just temporary, but I did want to give an idea of how presentations should be done. The goal of each presentation is to further a point and not to read history). You will find two files, the file labelled by A is an audio recording of the presentation given by Group 1 up until the break.
The picture on the left is after break, where we have the eight groups discussing the subject material.
Regarding Group 2's presentation, the facilitators have committed to making themselves available this coing Sunday at 7pm again at the Free Speech Movement Cafe to both assist in the presentations and to answer any general questions. Or... to just continue the discussion of the class.Note: As to what school former South Korean Leader Rhee Syng Man attended, it seems he went to both Harvard and Princeton. According to Wikipedia, "He obtained several degrees (including an B.A. from George Washington University, Harvard University, and a Ph.D. from Princeton University)."
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